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Become a Portland Tax Forum Member

Keep up to date with national taxation trends as well as our professional community by purchasing a sponsor membership for your firm, or an individual membership for yourself.

Sponsor Members

Gold Membership

  • Ten season passes.
  • Website recognition. Prominent logo placement on PTF website.
  • Email marketing recognition. Prominent logo placement on email blasts for each session.
  • In session recognition: Recognition on email blasts for each session.
  • Speaker’s dinner. This benefit is informally administered by the speakers committee where the speaker committee invites a representative of sponsors who express interest, to available speaker dinners, when available.
  • Session host. This benefit is to provide the short topic speaker at one of the six sessions.
  • [Reserved] Introductions to accounting students at PSU — particular benefit for CPA Gold Sponsors.
  • Logo size more prominent than Silver Sponsor.
  • Access to the Portland Tax Forum document and video library.
Become a Gold Sponsor

Sponsor Members

Silver Membership

  • Five season passes.
  • Website recognition. Logo placement on PTF website.
  • Email marketing recognition. Logo placement on email blasts for each session.
  • In session recognition: Recognition on email blasts for each session.
  • Access to the Portland Tax Forum document and video library.
Become a Silver Sponsor

Individual Members

Bronze Membership

  • Single season pass for one individual.
  • Access to the Portland Tax Forum document and video library.
Become a Bronze Sponsor

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Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
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